Speaking and Seminars 

Your next event should be interactive and inspiring.

If you need a speaker or group training leader,

ask me how I can help! 


Take a peek inside some of my recent seminars!


Outcomes you can expect from my events:

Interactive Audiences

I engage my audiences and workshop participants with multiple opportunities for reflection, response, and application of content. 

Researched and Relevant

My content is informed by my linguistic research and decades of experience in teaching and coaching. Attendees will walk away ready to try new or enhanced skills.


Takeaways for All

My talks and training sessions provide information and tools that EVERYONE can use, in any profession or social context.


~ Audience and Participant Feedback ~

 I recently attended your workshop on speaking and was thoroughly impressed by the experience. As someone who considers themselves a good public speaker, I was pleasantly surprised by the depth of new tips and tricks I learned. The workshop introduced me to incorporating a new mindset and breathing techniques, all of which were new to me in the public speaking space. These strategies have already begun to positively impact my confidence and delivery. [You were] knowledgeable and engaging, making the learning process both enjoyable and impactful. I highly recommend this workshop to anyone looking to improve their public speaking abilities, regardless of their current skill level.


It was a privilege to hear you speak at the Georgia Association for Women in Higher Education’s [annual conference]. Your story was compelling and powerful and you are an extraordinary speaker. 


  Often trainers have a presentation with little room to customize to the group and their experiences. Thank you for taking the time to listen to each of us and provide personal feedback.


I liked that you offered short paragraphs to practice with vs. trying to think of something ourselves. It was a very well organized event that kept us engaged and interested all day. 


This was wonderful! Is there a Part 2?


All of it [was helpful]! How she got me out of my head and helped me become more aware of speech. She helped me improved in such a way that that for a moment I actually loved public speaking!


You are so poised and intentional with your words, and have a huge impact on the people listening. 


Contact Leslie

Hello, I'm Dr. Leslie Gordon

 From a young age, I learned that I could use my speech express myself in new and exciting ways. I can’t wait to help you use the skills you already have so that you LOVE to share your gifts with the world.

Everyone has a message to share. Some of us just need a little more help bringing that out in a way that feels confident and still authentic. Once you discover that side of yourself, you are free to be unapologetically you.

My own life experiences and my education shape my coaching practice.  As a linguist, I know the cognitive processes that drive our speaking and the way we feel about our communication. As a speaker of multiple languages, I know what it means to learn new sound systems and to strive to feel at home in new languages and cultures. I can help you make your own impact on the world around you. Whether you’re preparing to speak in new contexts or you want to improve some aspect of your current sound or delivery, we can work on it together.

Book Leslie Now!